Friday, September 24, 2010


Listen to the words of this great song!

Liberty: The exercise of natural God given rights. In this country, there is no one over you but God. Our founding fathers understood this, but many today do not. Many point to the scripture where Christ instructs those who question him about paying a tribute to Caesar to "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's". They understand this to be Christ's instruction to show allegience to the government. They do not understand that in this country, "We the People" are Caesar - not any buraucracy, politician, president, or any other man.

Do we understand even a tiny bit of what our Founding Fathers gave us? Many do not. Our current government has stolen and taken control of almost every God-given right we have. While We the People were asleep or watching "Lost" on television, we lost or voluntarily gave up many of our rights to those who promised more than they ever planned on delivering.

When we wake up and realize we are still Caecar and serve God as our only KING then and only then we can find true liberty again.

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